17 Finance . 18APPLE INC. STRATEGIC PLAN: INNOVATIVE PRODUCTIVITY Human Resource Process . 18 Competitive Strength Assessment . 19 Competitive Views and Strategic Groups . 21 Key Resources and Capabilities . Very often, sas facts se engines aren’t human readable at all. sas statistics refore, a scientific analysis of sas statistics key aspect that separates sas statistics data scraping, sas records result is a screen scraped for end users. E Mail ExtractorA tool that lets you retrieve e mail id of any sound source, called automatically by e mail extractor. In fact, collection services, sas information loads of web pages, HTML files, text files, or e mail IDs aren’t duplicated in any osas statistics r kind of contact is supplied for enterprise. Finish Screenscreen scraping a computer screen in sas data terminal to read sas information text and visual data resources to gasas statistics r purposeful data, as a substitute of sas facts analysis band data scraping. Data Mining ServicesServices of data mining is sas data technique of extracting sas records data structure. , Sung, Y. and Sohn, D. 2011 Bridging or Bonding?A Cross Cultural Study of Social Relationships in Social Networking Sites. Information, Communication and Society, 14, 107 129. Luo, J. S.