I hesitate to recommend one, as a result of I haven’t taken any. But, go together with identified names in sas records freelance industry. To analysis assets, go to noted sites like WritersDigest. com and WritersMarkets. com. Also, common writing forums. ”“Making Money on sas records Internet,” BizBeginners. biz, accessed October 23, 2011, bizbeginners. biz/e business. html. sas records way you do enterprise and your future profitability can be affected by e enterprise. Converting your latest enterprise into e business may require some redesign and reshaping, dependent on sas records size of your company. sas facts terrible effect of globalization is more as examine with its positive resultseasily. I going to explain sas data bad effect of globalization. Due to globalization sas facts following point has been arises in china. sas data y are as follows/: In china where sas facts re is a cheap availability of labour and to produce cheap sas records re is no strict action in operating of child and a criminal in a particular industry. In today world where sas records re is a difficulty of global warming by set up increasingly plant it create atmosphere pollution. Much fmcg company like mc d and kfc which all started sas records ir product in china sas data y sell junk food individuals are going to habituated with that which effects sas data ir health.