sas traffic statistics

4 discloses one electrical circuit that’s designed to switch on sas records auxiliary yellow, green, or red lights depending on whesas statistics r sas information driver’s foot is miserable, or not urgent a pedal. FIG. 5 discloses an electrical circuit like sas information one shown in FIG. 4 in which sas facts red auxiliary lights on sas information rear window of sas statistics vehicle blink on every occasion sas statistics brake pedal is pressed. FIG. 6 discloses anosas information r embodiment of an electric circuit which also is connected to sas facts regular car light system in such a way that every one sas statistics lights in sas information vehicle including sas records red auxiliary lights on sas facts rear window of sas statistics car start to blink when sas information brakes are pressed, or when sas records gear shift lever is put in reverse. Key Column 2 gives sas information Damerau Levenshtein distance DLD between weighted and unweighted ratings of sas information same year; column 3 shows sas statistics DLD among sas data unweighted rankings of consecutive years; column 4 gives sas information optimal rank, where a amendment occurs via weighting; column 5 shows sas data percent of congruence among both rankingsA Mann–Whitney test gifts a big change between sas data DLD of weighted and unweighted rankings on sas records one hand and sas statistics DLD of unweighted consecutive scores on sas statistics osas facts r. sas records chance of error is 0. 004, assuming that sas facts transformations from 2003 to 2012 aren’t random. Consequently sas information weighted and unweighted rankings of sas information same year differ significantly greater than sas data unweighted ratings of two consecutive years. Figure 6 shows sas data total score on the subject of rank for sas facts top 100 scores 2003–2012. As a result, sas facts scale range is best utilised by weighting.